Friday, January 27, 2012

A Folktale: Seth the Slithering Snake

There once was a snake named Seth. He hid under the porch of a girl named Beth. Now Beth was a girly girl to the highest degree. She wore pretty pink dresses and swung from a tree. She played in the backyard with her barbies all day when all of a sudden, Seth came her way.

"Hello, Beth. I'm in need of a friend." said slithering Seth. "You see, it's been quite the day. A hawk picked me up and dropped me on the way." He was taking me back to his nest, where I would be dinner to some hawklings, or so, I have guessed."

"Ahhhhhhh!!" screamed the child. "Stay away don't you see?! I can't believe my eyes a snake is talking to me!

"Calm down little child, you have nothing to fear, I'm not poisonous and will not eat you my dear!"

"Then what shall I do for you Mr. Snake? If my mom finds you here you'll be fried up like steak!"

"Just take me to the tree that you swing. Then swing back and forth until you get real high. Then when you get up there release me into the sky!"

"You can't fly silly snake! What if you fall then it's your life that's at stake?" said Beth.

"I know that there is a lake just over that fence. If you swing hard enough I'll fall into it." said Seth. "Then I'll be back into the place I know. It's near the water where the greenest grasses grow."

"Oh, no. I can't do that you see, the hawk will come back and make a mess of thee."

"Don't worry my friend, I trust you can do it. Just pump those legs and let's get right to it!"

"Okay, Seth. I'll do it for you. You were brave enough to come to me. I'll be brave enough to let you go free!"

So Beth got on the swing and tried her best for Seth. She picked him up and flung him around like a lasso. As she got high in the sky she let go and Seth was back to where the greenest grasses grow.

The End.

This is a folktale. The animal talks with a child. It was explained in an easy way to understand and is a poem with a simple message.

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